Too funny 😂
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Music-less Elvis!
by The Fall Guy in
the beach boys video is not bad either..
The Ten Commandments
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inwho's watching?
i probably won't watch the whole thing, but i'll tune in here and there.
this will be my first time watching from a pimo/ttatt point of view.
neat blue dog
WT ripped off a lot of aspects especially in the non-biblical dialogue from The Ten Commandments for their convention dramas from the 60s and 80s.
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 4 (final part)
by neat blue dog inhere's the cruel, uncomfortable and dehumanizing description of transport for disfellowshipped ones:.
in cases of real need, the elders can determine wheth-er some assistance may be provided.
such assistance would be viewed as similar to public transportation in that there should be no conversing with the disfellowshipped or disassociated person.
neat blue dog
Thanks for the two corrections on the wording, yes, that is correct.
New Book: Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored At Last!
by Afterburn init is a new book, now available on their website in pdf, and it is basically an update to survival—into a new earth!
(1984), the book that convinced me to get baptized at age 12.. i'm not going to review the entire book here.. because matthew 28:18-20 specifies baptizing as part of the great commission, and because hebrews 6:1-2 lists the teaching on baptisms as among the primary doctrine about the christ, i intend to focus on the portion of the new publication that deals with baptism.. in chapter 16, on pages 178 and 179, paragraph 17 states:.
17 to survive the coming destruction, individuals need to prove their faith now.
neat blue dog
Great piece of writing! These scriptures among others are what helped me to wake up a few years ago!
The Ten Commandments
by APieceOfShitNamedTate inwho's watching?
i probably won't watch the whole thing, but i'll tune in here and there.
this will be my first time watching from a pimo/ttatt point of view.
neat blue dog
I find the '50s version to be overrated, and quite cheesy to be honest. Much prefer the 1920's version, which was also made by Demille.
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 4 (final part)
by neat blue dog inhere's the cruel, uncomfortable and dehumanizing description of transport for disfellowshipped ones:.
in cases of real need, the elders can determine wheth-er some assistance may be provided.
such assistance would be viewed as similar to public transportation in that there should be no conversing with the disfellowshipped or disassociated person.
neat blue dog
Here's the cruel, uncomfortable and dehumanizing description of transport for disfellowshipped ones:
In cases of real need, the elders can determine wheth-
er some assistance may be provided. Such assistance would be
viewed as similar to public transportation in that there should be
no conversing with the disfellowshipped or disassociated person.
(2 John 10, 11) The elders should monitor the situation to make
sure that any arrangements made are not abused.As usual, the org wants no liability, but all the benefits:
no con-
gregation should conclude that it "owns" the Kingdom Hall. How-
ever, it is the responsibility of the congregations using the prop-
erty to care for it
It is expected that the majority of the maintenance and repair
work will be done by local volunteers in the congregations using
the Kingdom Hall and that the costs for such work will be cov-
ered by the congregations.Regarding getting rid of old publications:
In the event that the bodies of elders decide to eliminate printed
publications from the library, care should be taken not to discard
items that have historical significance. The branch office may wish
to add such items to its library or to its archive of historical ma-
terials.Records of judicial cases are to be kept for 5 years in most cases. Child molesters' are kept for life. Those who adulturously remarry are also kept for life, unless the innocent spouse dies, remarries or has sex.
When it comes to public witnessing, again, they want no liability:
Any application to
use a mobile cart or to set up a table or kiosk to display litera-
ture must be filled out in the name of an individual publisher, not
in the name of the congregation, any corporation used by the or-
ganization, or "Jehovah's Witnesses." If a small administrative fee
is needed in order to acquire space in a public area, it is to be
paid by the individual publisher, not the congregation. Publishers
should carefully review any such applications to see what respon-
sibility they are taking upon themselves with respect to liability.
Publishers who apply to distribute literature at these areas are
doing so on their own initiative as part of their personal ministry.However, this is belied by their obvious control of the whole situation:
The Congregation Service Com-
mittee will determine what equipment (including posters) will be
used and where it will be stored. Only artwork approved by the
branch office should be displayed.
The equipment will remain the property of the congregation.
the cost of the public witnessing equip-
ment will be covered by their contributions to the worldwide work.
The Congregation Service
Committee will select qualified baptized publishers to participate
in this feature of the ministry
the service overseer or someone
designated by the body of elders should organize a midweek and
weekend schedule for each selected location
The training should be based on Public Witnessing Guidelines (S-148), and a copy of that document should
be provided to those participating. The group overseer and his as-
sistant will monitor and assist publishers
the service overseer will determine the quantity of
literature to be displayedWhat should be the highlight of our ministry? God's Kingdom? Salvation by Christ? Maybe something else:
Publishers should widely publicize
Next, they give a diagnosis of "spiritual weakness", which is not necessarily anything of the sort, but is often the sign of waking up, and disenchantment with the organization:
7. Symptoms of spiritual weakness may include loss of enthusiasm
for the truth, neglecting daily Bible reading and personal study
or attendance at congregation meetings, missing entire months
of field service activity, undue emphasis on the pursuit of plea-
sure or material things, or criticizing the elders and the organi-
zation.More disclaimers, this time about parties. You can't call them "congregation gatherings" anymore, this'll be a big cultural change:
Individuals who host social events bear personal responsibility for
what occurs at the event. Such individuals should not state or
imply that they are acting on behalf of the congregation. They
should not use terms such as "congregation picnic" or "congrega-
tion gathering."And finally, one more ditching of liability for the road:
All publishers perform their ministry motivated by their
dedication to Jehovah and their personal obedience to
Jesus Christ's command, not in behalf of the
congregation or any other organization. This is the case
whether the publisher expends time working on
construction projects, in relief work, or any other
activity that advances Kingdom interests. -
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 3
by neat blue dog injudicial committees are famous for having 3 elders on board, but more can also be had:.
complex cases may warrant having four or even five experienced elders on the committee.. an interesting admission is the possibility of being harsh in judgment, and even insinuates that the elders would pay with their lives if the wrongly judged 'lost their spirituality':.
an individual unjustly dealt with may have difficulty maintaining his spirituality.-matt.
neat blue dog
I'm pretty sure Atlantis leaked it a while ago. Links can probably now be found on
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 3
by neat blue dog injudicial committees are famous for having 3 elders on board, but more can also be had:.
complex cases may warrant having four or even five experienced elders on the committee.. an interesting admission is the possibility of being harsh in judgment, and even insinuates that the elders would pay with their lives if the wrongly judged 'lost their spirituality':.
an individual unjustly dealt with may have difficulty maintaining his spirituality.-matt.
neat blue dog
Judicial committees are famous for having 3 Elders on board, but more can also be had:
complex cases may warrant having four or even five experienced
elders on the committee.An interesting admission is the possibility of being harsh in judgment, and even insinuates that the Elders would pay with their lives if the wrongly judged 'lost their spirituality':
an individual unjustly dealt
with may have difficulty maintaining his spirituality.-Matt. 18:6.
But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone that is turned by a donkey and to be sunk in the open sea.When it comes to Judicial Committees, women and children are recommended to have their husband or father present in most cases, but for a man it's his choice.
Suicide or threats of lawsuits are a possible way to put a Judicial Committee in abeyance, at least temporarily if not indefinitely.
If an Elder is asked about a specific judicial case, they have a complete statement prepared:
"The spiritual and physical
welfare of Jehovah's Witnesses is of paramount concern to the
elders, who willingly provide spiritual assistance to congregation
members. The elders extend this spiritual assistance confidential-
ly. This makes it easier for those who seek the elders' help to do
so without worrying that what they say to the elders will be di-
vulged later. Consequently, we do not comment on whether el-
ders are currently or have formerly met to assist any member of
the congregation."
If there is a need to do so, the elders may ob-
tain the inquirer's name and phone number and inform him that
their attorney will contact him. The elders should then prompt-
ly telephone the Legal Department.Here's a description of the opening minutes of a JC:
The judicial hearing is opened with prayer with the accused pres-
ent. Generally, observers are not allowed. (See 15:12-13, 15.) The
chairman then states the reason for the hearing and explains
that audio or video recordings of the hearing are not permitted.
He should then read a scriptureI include the following quote only because it's hilarious, in a sad way, how unchristian and legalistic the language is:
In the rare event that testimony presented during the hearing
causes the judicial committee to conclude that the matter should
not be handled judicially, the hearing should be suspended. In-
form the person that he will be contacted further regarding the
matter. The body of elders should then be consulted to deter-
mine whether the judicial committee ought to be disbanded.Ex-JWs have often complained about the impropriety of Elders surrounding a woman to ask impertinent or titillating details of a sexual sin. As with many other things, the leadership keeps up with apostate material and addresses it sooner or later:
The judicial committee should be thorough but not in-
quire about needless details, especially in regard to sexual mis-
conduct.If they decide you aren't repentant enough, then you could be decided to be disfellowshipped before the Judicial Committee even begins no matter what you do or say:
keep in mind that if the wrongdoer has demon-
strated few or no works of repentance before the judicial hear-
ing is held, it may not be possible during the hearing to move him
to demonstrate sufficient repentance to justify extending mercyIf you're insane you might get a pass:
if the
judicial committee discerns that his mental condition is so severe
that others generally regard him as not being responsible for what
he does, they may recommend to the body of elders that no ju-
dicia I action be taken, explaining the reasons for their recommen-
dation.When it comes to the unscriptural practice of congregation reproof taking place by a few behind closed doors, there is one loophole to fulfill the scriptures:
If witnesses testified during the hearing, they may
be invited to hear the Scriptural reproof. In this way the wrong-
doer is reproved "before all onlookers.'' (1 Tim. 5:20)If giving a public talk, you are NEVER allowed to use another translation on its' own. If another translation is quoted, it must be immediately followed by the same verse in the New World Translation.
Here is something I have never, I mean NEVER heard of, and if somebody has experienced this, please let me know:
Symposiums: The body of elders determines whether it would be
beneficial for an inexperienced public speaker to be assigned the
first 15 minutes of a talk and for a more experienced speaker to
be assigned the remaining 15 minutes.To avoid liability, and have suicide vow cards be viewed as a 'personal decision', this:
The body of elders should not invite Hospital Liaison Committee
members or medical professionals to present or to share in a lo-
cal needs part, such as regarding filling out the durable power
of attorney (DPA) card or some related matter. Likewise, they should not arrange for such individuals to present special talks
or programs at Kingdom Halls or other locations for this purpose.Here's just a random rule:
At congregation meetings, speakers should not project any mov-
ing video footage on screens or monitors unless directed to do so
by the organization.Regarding tie in phone lines, I can say that my congregation doesn't obey the following rule:
it is not necessary to
monitor who has access to congregation meetings.Regarding head coverings for female sign language interpretors, one is required for talks, prayers and songs, but not required for one on one tactile signing.
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 2
by neat blue dog inthen we get to one of the main purposes of the book, a catalog of all the sins you can get disciplined for.
just to be sure, this disclaimer kicks things off:.
listed below are offenses that may require review by a judicial committee.
neat blue dog
Lol if you switch hands it doesn't count
Review: revised Elder's manual, part 2
by neat blue dog inthen we get to one of the main purposes of the book, a catalog of all the sins you can get disciplined for.
just to be sure, this disclaimer kicks things off:.
listed below are offenses that may require review by a judicial committee.
neat blue dog
I wish lol
That book has long been rumored, I think alluded to in Crisis of Conscience, but no more clues beyond that. This is just the standard Elder's book.